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The very best of news. Date: 04/07/2024

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This war would have been over in a week, the peace treaty was ready to be signed, boris Johnson and Biden said don’t sign it they are the real guilty ones , why is nobody talking about this, people are dying here and no one is bothered, this is all money making , Russia isn’t going to attack at all, talk about shit stirring
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Poland past history has always had it bad so it’s understandable that they are prepared for the worst? Other western countries need to do the same. With recent comments Putin made about nuclear weapons he would use if Ukraine won is unimaginable.
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i dont like polish a bit more than russians so good luck with that.
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Pols are currently producing and selling bullets to Russia like nothing has ever happened, explain! Idk smells a bit like propaganda
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Poland is not preparing to war with RuSSia. Poland is preperaing to not having to go to war at all.
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Poland is awake to this coming threat. The western politicians are still asleep, not too bothered. Wake up.
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amerykanie,żydzi, brytole-będziemy walczyć do ostatniego Polaka 😂
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And we,spanish wouldnt fight the russians because we know who the anglosaxons are and you dont.
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Neo-McCarthyists support Ukraine in the USA.
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Poland doesn't have to prepair thats why NATO is for
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